about the community plan

Community Action Plan

The Community Council developed the action plan to address issues and developments identified by residents. The community plan was produced following consultation events with residents and is reviewed regularly. The Community Action Plan (CAP) is available on the PSE Community Council / Policies section of this website, or click on the link below:

Community Action Plan 2024-27

Peterston super Ely Community Council Objectives

The broad objectives and purposes of the Community Council inform the CAP:

               · To improve the environment of Peterston super Ely for the enjoyment of residents and to the benefit of nature.

               · To enhance the safety and well-being of residents.

               · To encourage the involvement of residents in community activities.

               · To provide facilities for the use of residents where possible.

Community Council Priorities for the CAP

The main issues identified in the plan are:

                · Improving drainage to prevent flooding

                · Traffic speed control

                · Maintenance of roads, verges and kerbs

                · Improvements to the playing field, MUGA and paths

                · Enhancing the environment at the white bridge and along the river

The finances of the Community Council and its organisational capacity are limited. Choices have to be made about the priorities for allocating funding to improvement projects and community organisations, and about which issues could be tackled on behalf of the community. The broad guiding principles are:

· Funding priority will be given to maintaining existing community assets in good repair.

· A mix of large and small projects will be considered for funding and not just a few large projects.

· Priority will be given to projects which benefit larger numbers and a wider range of members of the community and which are supported by volunteer activity.

· Campaigns representing community issues to other authorities will have priority according to the seriousness of the problem and the number of people affected.


Residents identified a number of improvement projects, listed below, which are included in the CAP. The Community Council may be able to help with funding for these projects, but volunteers are needed if they are to progress.

                 · Friends of the MUGA – helping to clean and maintain the MUGA and perhaps organising events

                 · A youth club for older children

                 · Install and run a petanque court

                 · A Best kept front garden competition

                 · Planting around the village

                 · Extension of the Ely Valley Trail from St. Fagans to Peterston

If you can volunteer for any of these initiatives or want any more information about the CAP, please contact the Council Clerk on council@peterstonsuperely.org