The Community Council is the most local level of government and has to conform to a wide range of government legislation and regulations.  The main documents governing the operation of and requirements on the Community Council are listed below.

Expenses Policy

Rules for councillors claiming expenses

Social Media Policy

How the Community Council manages use of social media.

Terms of Reference

Rules for the structure and operation of the Community Council

Welsh Language Scheme

How the Community Council will endeavour to conduct its business on the basis of equality in Welsh and English.

Churchyard Regulations

How the churchyard is managed.

MUGA Management Agreement

Management Agreement for TaSC operation of the MUGA

Grant Criteria and Procedure

How to apply for grants from the Community Council

Freedom of Information Requests

What information can be requested from the Community Council and how to ask.

Standing Orders 2024

Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. Standing orders are essential to regulate the proceedings of a meeting.

Financial Regulations

These financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the council.

Scheme of Publication MAY 2024

Guide to Information available from Peterston Super Ely Community Council under the model publication scheme

Finance and Business Risk Management

The Plan is vital to ensure the proper management of the Council’s assets and resources and efficient discharge of its duties and responsibilities to the community.

Financial Reserves and Funds Policy

Details the reserve funds operated by the Community Council

Concerns and Complaints Policy

How to make a complaint to the Community Council

Community Action Plan 2024

This Community Action Plan covers the period 2024 - 2027 and will guide the strategy and activities of the Community Council in that period. The Plan is based on issues and suggestions from residents gathered through a series of consultation stages started in Autumn 2023.