If you have interesting news or stories for the residents of Peterston super Ely you can present them here. Photos can also be displayed and need to be provided in JPEG format.

Please send your news story to the Community Council Clerk at council@peterstonsuperely.org by completing this
News Item Form.

Flower Show 2024

Village Hall


June 2024

Flower Show 2024

The 2024 Flower Show will take place on Saturday, 29 June. Doors open at

14:30-17:00. Entry is £2 for adults and children under 16 are free.

Detailed information is included in the Flower Show brochure provided below

For any queries please contact:


Community Action Plan 2024


June 2024

Community Action Start

The Community Action Plan for 2024-27 is finished and available in a printed brochure.  The Plan will guide the Community Council's work for the next 3 years and is based on the suggestions from residents in the consultations that were held at the end of 2023.

Copies of the Community Action Plan are available at the link below and from the Village Shop, Three Horseshoes and by contacting the Community Clerk at council@peterstonsuperely.org

Community Action Plan consultation event report


February 2024

The Community Council is producing a new Community Action Plan for 2024-26. Residents were asked for their ideas and concerns to inform the new Plan and all the responses received were displayed at a consultation event held in September and again at the Village Market in October as another opportunity for comments to be added.

The summary Consultation Event Report is now available here, and includes a link to an Appendix listing all the ideas and comments.

A draft Community Action Plan is in production to appear before summer.

Flooding Campaign Paper


February 2024

The Community Council has sent a position paper to the Vale of Glamorgan Council about the flooding problems of the village to press for more action. The paper summarises the problems and proposes actions to mitigate flooding, to be discussed with the Vale Council.
Photo and video evidence has also been sent to evidence the frequency and extent of flooding over a long period.

The paper can be accessed here.

Speeding Campaign Paper


January 2024

Tackling speeding through the village is a major concern for the Community Council. The latest step in the campaign is a position paper to press our concerns and requests to the Vale of Glamorgan Council, and to keep residents up to date with what the Community Council is doing. The position paper can be accessed here.

Improving the Ely River


December 2023

The South East Wales Rivers Trust (SEWRT) is a local charity working to protect and improve the rivers across the south east Wales valleys, including the River Ely. SEWRT has funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver the Restore, Protect and Enhance the Ely Valley (RePrEEV) project and is keen to work with people and communities who use, live and work by the river Ely to nurture a thriving valley and catchment –see The RePrEEV Project – for further information.

RePrEEV is starting with a survey to help guide this work and to gain insight into people’s connection to the River Ely catchment, as well as how people engage with their other local rivers.  Please complete the survey here:

South East Wales Rivers Trust: your river (English version)

South East Wales Rivers Trust: your river (Welsh version).

Support to capture older people’s experiences of GP services


October 2023

The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales is inviting older people to share their experiences of accessing GP Services. The survey will run until the end of November 2023.


It can be completed by using the links above OR by downloading and completing the attached word document which can be sent to ask@olderpeople.wales by email or returned by hard copy to:


Older People's Commissioner for Wales

Cambrian Buildings

Mount Stuart Square


CF10 5FL

If you would like to receive a hard copy by post, please contact 03442 640 670 or ask@olderpeople.wales

Community Action Plan consultation event

Village Hall


September 2023

Village Maintenance


September 2023

Village Maintenance

Over the summer the Community Council has been carrying out maintenance and refurbishment of some of the village furniture including:

· Gates in the park. The wrought iron gate to the playground has been returned - repaired and painted.

· New signs about ‘poop and scoop’ have been installed at the park.

· Replacement refuse bags for the playground dispensers have been sourced.

· Benches along the river repaired and painted.

· Planters have been repaired, painted and replanted.

The programme of work will continue with all the benches in the park being refurbished, and the notice boards being repaired and repainted. The wooden notice boards will be removed one at a time for the refurbishing starting with the noticeboard at the white bridge which was demounted yesterday. When the noticeboard at the shop is taken down the Community Council papers and minutes will be put up in the revived noticeboard at the white bridge.

Community Plan Review


June 2023

What would you like to see improved in the village?

Some ideas have already been suggested for improvements to facilities and activities in the village including:

  • New traffic signs to encourage slower traffic.
  • Extend the footpath all the way around the playing field.
  • Lighting the path to the MUGA
  • Investigate developing a permissory footpath from Gwern y Steeple to the entrance to Lanlay Meadows.
  • Produce signs to link up existing footpaths from St. Fagans to Peterston as an extension to the existing River Ely trail from Cardiff Bay to St. Fagans.

We are looking for more suggestions and ideas from residents and we will consult on all the suggestions with a consultation event on the 27th Sept. Watch out for details nearer the date.

Please send suggestions:

Report Speeding


May 2023

Speeding needs to be reported

Peterston has the 20 mph speed limit now but we still have some traffic going too fast through the village.  The Community Council is trying to put in place other measures to promote enforcement of the speed limit.  We will only succeed in this if instances of speeding are reported to the Police and a dossier built up about the problem.

If you see speeding report it to the Police phone number or website shown on the poster above.

Local Development Plan


April 2023

The Candidate Site Register for the Vale of Glamorgan Replacement Local Development Plan is now available to view on its website.

Those sites which have failed the stage 1 assessment (initial site filter) have also been identified, and are available to view in the Stage 1 Candidate Site Assessment Register. Details of the full assessment process used to consider Candidate Site submissions is also available to view on the Council's website.

It is important to note that at this stage, the inclusion of a site in the Candidate Site Register does not infer that a site will be allocated within the emerging RLDP, nor does it imply any preference of the Local Planning Authority regarding its merits. This register is not a public consultation document; merely a statement of fact of all the candidate sites which have been submitted at this stage in the RLDP process.

Further information and an interactive or PDF version of the Register can be found on the Council’s website –


At this stage, Council Officers are not able to discuss the merits or otherwise of individual sites as this would be premature.

Community Councillor Vacancies


November 2022

                      Notice of Vacancies

          Peterston-super-Ely Community Council

Are you interested in finding out about local issues and getting involved to help to make your community a better place?

If so, why not consider joining Peterston-super-Ely Community Council? We currently have two vacancies and are looking for enthusiastic people to volunteer their time to help us.

In particular, we are looking for females and other groups currently underrepresented on the Council to ensure we have a range of experiences and voices to help us meet the needs of all the community.

Expressions of interest in no more than 500 words should be emailed to the Clerk Katherine Craven at pseccc@hotmail.co.uk  by the 24th December 2022 for review at our January meeting.

Please explain why you would like to join the council, aspects of the community you are particularly interested in and what qualities, skills and expertise you would bring. Information on eligibility, role of the parish council and its schedule of meetings can be obtained from the Clerk at the above email address, if required.

Unwanted Tools Appeal


September 2022

Unwanted Tools Appeal

Tools for Self Reliance will take your unwanted tools to repair and refurbish them to send to several African countries. Kits of tools for carpenters, tailors, blacksmiths, leather workers, tinsmiths, builders and bicycle repairers are sent to people in rural areas to improve and develop their business or farming. Sewing machines, whether electric or manual, are particularly needed.

If you have tools to donate, please contact John Drysdale at johnddrysdale@gmail.com or 07879 815478 to arrange to deliver tools to Le Sor Hill. John will transport them periodically to the Tools for Self Reliance workshop in Crickhowell.

Read more at www.tfsrcymru.org.uk

Co-options to PSE Community Council


June 2022

PSE Community Council has 1 vacancy for co-option of Community Councillors. If you would like to help maintain and improve Peterston super Ely please email your background and interest to

pseccc@hotmail.com .

For more detail about how to apply click on the document below.

Village Market Saturday, 13th November

Village Hall


November 2021

Village market time in the village Hall Saturday 13th November 10 am to 12 am.

For more information click here.

20 mph speed limit trial for PSE


August 2021

It has been resolved that the Vale Council will be trialing a 20 mph scheme in PSE using experimental Traffic Regulation Orders together with the collection of traffic data in the first 6 months of operation. This data will inform decisions taken on the permanency of the schemes or otherwise, within the 18 month trial periods and will be the subject of a future report to Cabinet.

The data from both schemes will also be made available to Welsh Government to assist with their pilot project

The Welsh Government has also announced that 20mph legislation will figure in this year’s legislative programme.

The public consultation on changing the default speed limit on residential streets from 30mph to 20mph is now open until 1st October 2021.

You can find the public consultation here: https://gov.wales/proposal-reduce-speed-limit-20mph-residential-streets

You can find some more information here: https://gov.wales/20mph and here: https://gov.wales/safer-streets-save-lives

Annual Accounts Inspection


August 2021

Audit Wales is now inspecting the Annual Accounts 2020-21 of PSE Community Council to provide an Audit Opinion during September. See the Noticeboard under the PSE Community Council menu heading for further information, and to see the Annual Accounts and Annual Return 2020-21 under the Reports and Audits sub menu.

Allotment site refurb'


July 2021

PSE's allotment site has had a facelift through the efforts of the allotment holders with financial support from the Community Council.  Old broken fencing has been replaced, a new gate fitted, accumulated rubbish removed, old trees taken out, overgrown plots and shrubs reclaimed, and some new greenhouses erected. 

This video shows the new improved site from a birds' eye view provided by a drone.

Peterston's New Website


June 2021

Peterston's new community website launched today

We hope you find the information useful that is included in the website. If you see any errors or omissions please contact the Community Council Clerk at pseccc@hotmail.co.uk

Please be aware that some sections of the website are still being populated.

Background photo created by creativeart - www.freepik.com</a> ; <a href="https://www.freepik.com/photos/background">

Basil Watkins Cup Award


May 2021

This cup was awarded to the Community Council as part of the village's win of the Village of the Year in the Vale in 2015. It is now awarded each year to a villager who helped uphold the appearance and / or community activities within the village.

The Community Council is pleased to announce that the Basil Watkins Cup for this year is awarded to Joanne Blake and her team for keeping the Village Store open through the pandemic, and giving valuable service to the community. A formal presentation will be made in due course. Our sincere thanks to Jo for all her efforts.