Improving the Ely River


The South East Wales Rivers Trust (SEWRT) is a local charity working to protect and improve the rivers across the south east Wales valleys, including the River Ely. SEWRT has funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver the Restore, Protect and Enhance the Ely Valley (RePrEEV) project and is keen to work with people and communities who use, live and work by the river Ely to nurture a thriving valley and catchment –see The RePrEEV Project – for further information.

RePrEEV is starting with a survey to help guide this work and to gain insight into people’s connection to the River Ely catchment, as well as how people engage with their other local rivers.  Please complete the survey here:

South East Wales Rivers Trust: your river (English version)

South East Wales Rivers Trust: your river (Welsh version).